[. . . ] Liquid ÀOOHG REMHFWV OLJKWHG FDQGOHV Where the plug of the Direct Plug-in Adapter is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. 2 Your DAB clock radio Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips!What's in the box Check and identify the contents of your package: www. [. . . ] Tip To remove a pre-stored FM radio station, store another station in its place. 1 7XQH WR DQ 5'6 VWDWLRQ 2 Press INFO/MENU UHSHDWHGO\ WR VFUROO WKURXJK WKH IROORZLQJ 5'6 LQIRUPDWLRQ LI DYDLODEOH » Frequency » 57 UDGLR WH[W » 37< SURJUDP W\SH » 6WDWLRQ 1DPH » 6WHUHR0RQR » Time » Date Use FM menu 1 In FM mode, press and hold MENU for two seconds to access FM menu. 6 Other features Set alarm timer Note Make sure that you have set the clock correctly. For the alarm sound, you can select the FM radio, DAB radio, or the buzzer. » The clock radio turns on automatically at the set time and switches to the selected source. Activate/deactivate alarm timer Note Make sure that you already set the alarms successfully. The alarm switches off , » The alarm icon is still displayed. Snooze alarm When alarm sounds, press SNOOZE repeatedly to choose the snooze time. 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes » The alarm icon keeps blinking. » The alarm snoozes and repreats ringing 5 /10/15/30 minutes later Set sleep timer This clock radio can switch to standby mode automatically after a preset period. press SLEEP UHSHDWHGO\ WR VHOHFW WKH VOHHS WLPHU SHULRG LQ PLQXWHV appears. » When the sleep timer is activated, To deactivate the sleep timer, press SLEEP repeatedly until [OFF] RII appears. Update software (if available) 6RIWZDUH XSJUDGH IRU \RXU UDGLR PD\ EH DYDLODEOH LQ IXWXUH , I \RX UHJLVWHU \RXU SURGXFW DW 3KLOLSV ZHEVLWH ZZZSKLOLSVFRPZHOFRPH ZLWK D YDOLG HPDLO DGGUHVV \RX PD\ UHFHLYH VRIWZDUH XSGDWH QRWLÀFDWLRQ Or you can visit Philips website constantly to check if the updating information is provided. 7R XSGDWH VRIWZDUH RI \RXU UDGLR FRQQHFW WR D 3& WKURXJK WKH 86% socket at the back of the clock radio, and follow the update instructions on Philips website. [. . . ] We have tried to make WKH SDFNDJLQJ HDV\ WR VHSDUDWH LQWR WKUHH PDWHULDOV FDUGERDUG ER[ SRO\VW\UHQH IRDP EXIIHU DQG SRO\HWK\OHQH EDJV SURWHFWLYH IRDP VKHHW Your system consists of materials which can be recycled and reused if disassembled by a specialized company. Please observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of packaging materials, exhausted batteries and old equipment. $Q\ FKDQJHV RU PRGLÀFDWLRQV PDGH WR WKLV GHYLFH WKDW DUH QRW H[SUHVVO\ approved by Philips Consumer Lifestyle may void the user's authority to operate the equipment. [. . . ]